WELL done to the Rev Christine Leech. The idea of re-enacting the Vicar of Dibley scenes in the village of Huncoat is to be commended.

It has been my opinion for a considerable time that if this type of humour was infiltrated in church proceedings, the buildings would be full to overflowing.

Carry out by all means the work and teachings of the Lord, but if ministers could introduce a more earthly everyday nature into the sermons what a breath of fresh air it would bring.

Maybe many would come just because of the wit and humour and tend to forget the meaning of the church. Fill the buildings and convert doubters, while at the same time bring smiles to faces.

A few months ago, a devout lady from my local church on hearing some rousing music, danced down the aisle after receiving Holy Communion, making members of the congregation smile.

I rest my case. This is real life in a religious setting.

ROSEMARY SPEDDING (Mrs), Oswald Street, Accrington.