You've done it again! Yes you, our loyal readers, advertisers and friends out there have made our Tins and Toys Christmas Appeal another super success.

The appeal closed this week, but since being launched in November it snowballed into an avalanche of generous goodwill from young and old alike.

The appeal is in aid of Chorley Women's Refuge which looks after women and their children who have suffered at the hands of abusive husbands and partners.

What started as a steady stream of donations to our offices on Pall Mall, Chorley, turned into a river of gifts, from cuddly toys and board games to cakes, chocolates and a whole host of delicious tinned goods.

Not only have kind-hearted individuals popped in to drop items off, but we've seen heart warming support from offices, firms, schools and churches and the like.

One of our final donors was Gillibrand Primary, Grosvenor Road, Chorley, which organised a collection in school for the appeal.

The staff at Chorley Women Refuge have this message for all those who have supported the appeal this year: "Everyone at Chorley Women's Refuge would like to give a big thank-you to the people who have kindly donated to the Tins and Toys Appeal once again.

"It has been a huge success and will make all the difference this Christmas."

And from the Citizen -- thank you to all our supporters, you're truly marvellous.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.