I WRITE regarding the A675 which runs from Junction 3 of the M65 through Abbey Village and Belmont village.

This stretch has been identified by the authorities as in need of special attention due to the high number of fatal and serious accidents.

Various steps have been taken including the siting of mobile speed cameras.

One favourite (lucrative) site is on a long, straight, down section between the villages.

By far the highest fatality rate here is made up of motor cyclists. But a motor cycle does not carry a front number plate and as such could not be detected by a forward facing camera anyway.

Many accidents also occur on two bends north of the infill site. As a result of the traffic which uses this site, the road has either a liberal coating of mud, has just been swept and is wet or, worst of all, has been left wet and unsalted and develops a layer of black ice.

This often comes as a shock to someone not expecting a sudden lethal change in the road surface (the road was closed on the evening of Monday, December 12 because of yet another accident).

When will the authorities have the commitment and honesty to do their jobs properly and stop insulting our intelligence by telling us speed causes accidents?

We know speed is always going to be a factor of every accident, if not always the main cause.

We also know there are many other causes that go unaddressed because this costs money as opposed to bringing easy money in.

The authorities' main priority should be saving lives. Sadly, this does not seem to be the case.

D J KIRKHAM (Mr), Butterworth Brow, Brinscall.