So this Preston council that the people voted in to look after our interests has got its way to go into collusion with a company Grosvenor which is about to ruin the city centre.

They intend to demolish the bus station, despite the hundreds of people opposing this, demolish pubs where people have been meeting for years, demolish shops that people use on a regular basis and nobody seems to care about the people who work in these premises.

Have they asked the people of Preston what they want because basically it's going to be a shopping centre selling exactly what they do in the Fishergate Centre and The Mall.

Most local pubs will be either demolished or converted into student accommodation and there are hardly any fresh food or butchers' shops.

And can anybody tell me where there are any public toilets on Sundays, at night or on public holidays?

One word 'useless' says just about everything about the council in my opinion.

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