As a member of a local off-road motorcycle trials club I am writing in a response to the council's decision to scrap plans to build an off-road motorcycle track.

The reason the proposal was dropped is said to be that they cannot find a suitable site without facing opposition.

But what type of off-road motorcycle sport are they trying to find a track for?

Different types of biking need different kinds of sites, eg, motocross, trails, trials, quads etc. but all aspects of biking are being foolishly bundled into one project. What started out as a small community project was picked up by the council and turned into a massive development, therefore, creating much opposition.

The motorcycle trials riding club's plans have also been shelved by this latest development but we are only interested in one kind of site in the area.

Motorcycle trials riding creates very little noise, as it is a slow speed balance and control discipline, of which racing plays no part.

It is a very safe sport and a good distraction from less attractive hobbies such as on-road car and motorcycle racing.

Our group has a national lottery grant waiting to be used to fund the site.

There are facilities for other disciplines such as moto-cross but none for trials riding. We desperately need about two acres of a disused quarry with a rocky landscape to rent.

Our preferred site, Denham Quarry in Brindle, is owned by our local council, and is unused and run down.

If the council can provide facilities for golf, football, rugby, cricket, etc, why discriminate against us?

As a council tax payer my cash goes to such projects so why do they discriminate against us?

No effort has been made by the council to consider our motorcycle trials project. They have picked up and now dropped their own idea of a motorcycle project, leaving us wanting in the wake of it all.

Joe, by e-mail