THE name may have altered but the results haven't -- but hopefully that is all about to change.

JFC Dynamoes Under 12s have gone up an age group and are now known as Sporting Athletic.

Now they are hoping the new name could be the dawn of a new beginning.

Dynamoes, as they were known last season, were winners of the Adopt A Team scheme -- a joint initiative by CIS and the Lancashire Evening Telegraph to help a team down on their luck.

And they were certainly down on their luck.

For the Blackburn and Darwen Junior League side lost every match last season with 20-0 scorelines a not too unfamiliar scoreline.

While they have kicked off this season with four defeats out of four, the loses aren't as heavy.

In fact, 4-1 and 6-2 defeats can be counted as something of a morale victory.

For their troubles, the club were presented with a brand new CIS-sponsored strip, a Big Blue Bag full of training equipment including portable goals, pitch markers, balls and bibs and four weeks coaching with Blackburn Rovers in the Community staff.

And having just completed their coaching stint, manager, Ian Walsh, is hoping for big results on the pitch.

"All we want this season is to win one game. That's all we ask for. Although we have lost every game so far this season there has been a marked improvement in the team performances. Apart from an 11-0 defeat against Blue Star, our other loses have been relatively small when you compare them to last season.

"The coaching sessions with the Rovers staff have certainly helped so lets hop we can use what we have learnt on the practice pitches in a match day situation."

Mick Brennan from Blackburn Rovers in the Community said that coaches concentrated on different aspects of the game over the four weeks.

He said: "We worked on team play, movement, defending and attacking. The coaching staff told me they could see an improvement in the players and lets hope they can now find the win they are looking for."

The final piece of the jigsaw will see a Rovers coach assisting the team on match day. But whatever happens, whether that victory comes along or they endure another winless season, the Sporting Athletic lads will always play with a smile on their face.