A WOMAN was allegedly attacked and raped by a "repulsive" man a court ordered to stay away from her, a jury was told.

Burnley Crown Court heard the alleged victim was knocked to the floor, pinned down, grabbed by the hair and raped by Naseer Ahmed, 40, as he held her wrists together above her head.

Police arrived and found the terrified woman curled up in a chair shaking and crying but the defendant claimed the sex was consensual, the court was told.

Ahmed, of Tunstill Street, Burnley, denies a charge of rape alleged to have happened last October 18.

Jeremy Grout-Smith, prosecuting, told the jury the woman had problems with Ahmed in the past and had obtained civil court orders.

Ahmed turned up at the woman's home, began to threaten her and said he would cut her from ear to ear. The woman was frightened and phoned her solicitor, asking him to serve the defendant with a non-molestation order, obtained five days earlier from the county court but not served.

The solicitor handed the defendant the order and advised him to leave but he refused. The court was told the lawyer grew concerned and the police were called.

Mr Grout-Smith said after the solicitor left Ahmed was angry and tried to persuade the alleged victim to have sex with him. She refused and without warning the defendant pushed her backwards on to the floor and pinned her down by lying on top of her.

The woman was kicking and punching but he grabbed her by the hair. The alleged victim repeatedly banged her head on a cupboard door and the defendant, who was holding her wrists together above her head, then undressed and raped her.

The prosecutor said almost as sex finished, the police turned up and the defendant hurriedly got dressed and went to the door.

Mr Grout-Smith told the court: "The woman was curled up in a chair in a corner of the room, with her knees drawn up under her chest. She was shaking, upset and crying and told police she had just been raped."

Ahmed was arrested and, when questioned by police at the station, made no comment. The defendant was interviewed again after swabs were taken from the woman.

Mr Grout-Smith said on this occasion a prepared statement was read in which Ahmed said sexual intercourse had taken place and claimed the woman had consented.

The prosecutor said the woman would say the defendant was repulsive to her and she would not consent to sexual activity of any kind with him.
