NEW Order's Peter Hook is heading to Blackburn as guest DJ for a night at the North Bar. He'll be in town on October 14.

The legendary bassist has become much in demand as a DJ and travels all over the world to play -- but so far he's missed out Blackburn.

"It's over 20 years since I played in Blackburn with a band," said the man known throughout the music world as Hooky.

"That's the thing with bands, as you get successful you naturally head away from the regions to play in London and then in the big venues. That's why I like DJ-ing, It gives you a chance to have a laugh with your audience.

"After spending so long in the studio working on the last New Order album I was fed up with music, but the DJ thing has regained my interest in it."

Peter Hook -- along with other luminaries of the Manchester music scene such as Clint Boon of the Inspiral Carpets and Mani from the Stone Roses -- have created new careers for themselves as DJs, but he is quick to dismiss the idea he's become a superstar behind the decks.

"I'm not in the Carl Cox category just yet," he laughed. "But it's a good way to make a living. I find it really exciting. You get a feeling you don't get with a band.

"It can be quite scary too because it's just you and the records you have chosen to play."

Expect a varied and highly personal set, with a number of tracks you will not have heard before.

"It's great because I have started to listen to music again. I'm always thinking 'I could play that in a set'," said Peter.

"I tend to play stuff that has impressed me or I might throw in the odd one to challenge an audience too.

"Very often I am given stuff by young bands who haven't even been signed but it's fantastic and I'll play it."

Will New Order diehards be left disappointed?

"At first I had the attitude that I can't play any New Order because I'm in the band and it's not cool," he said.

"But people were screaming for it so now I will play some remixes or stuff which I have got from the band which people have never heard before."

Peter Hook will be at the North Bar, Blackburn on Saturday, October 14. Admission is £5.