I TAKE issue with Michael Short in the article he wrote for his "Short and Sharp" column (LET, September 28).

I agree that rubbish and its disposal is becoming a major problem and that waste recycling plants will become a necessary evil.

But this isn't what upsets people, the plants themselves aren't a problem, it's the siting that raises concern.

I note Mr Short does not say where he lives, but could he, hand on heart, say he wouldn't have objections to one being built on his doorstep, as is going to happen to people who live in Huncoat?

I feel sure the people of Huncoat would and I quote Mr Short "quite happily live and wallow in their own filth," just not everyone elses from East Lancashire.

This waste plant isn't going to be a "few miles" away and if I lived in Huncoat I would feel angry and upset.

PATRICIA A NICHOLLS, Rising Bridge Road, Haslingden.