AS INTENDED, the ravings of R Segal have been exposed in the public domain and some genuine democratic alternatives to the malicious captalist society given a deserved airing.

This is why the 'ultra-left' as represented by N Bliss (anarchist) and Paddy Shannon (SPGB) have had to launch belated attacks upon me and what they think are my views.

I am accused by both of being an authoritarian - I am actually an elected representative of the trades unions as president of the Lancaster RMT, Lancaster and Morecambe Trades Union Council and the Lancashire Association of TUCs.

It is a fact that most workers in the 'old' USSR and Eastern Europe were better off under Communist control than they are under the rampant capitalist offences they face today. Many of them will tell you as much.

'Solidarnosc' is melting away to nothing in Poland, for example, as millions of workers face reduction to abject poverty and total insecurity.

What we need in the present situation is genuine unity in the face of the enemy (ie capitalism as represented by people like Bush, Blair and R Segal).

I propose that the TUC calls an open public meeting in North Lancs to thrash out the problems real workers face - and even R Segal can attend if he dares to show up to defend his views.

We in the trades union movement have a uniquely long and honourable record of organising such non-sectarian activities, as everyone must admit.

Steve Metcalfe, Lancaster.