This month we have had reports of two firsts for our nation.

The media is replete with the stories of the 'clean skins'. Young Brits with no prior record becoming the first home grown suicide bombers. No links to any radical organisation, no record of being manic street preachers or radicals.

The second story which got about 2 sentences in most papers was the death of a 48 year old Muslim man in Nottingham, a small part of the backlash. He was leaving a shop when he was set upon by 6 youths and beaten to death.

Sadly, there won't be much reported about this story in the coming weeks but the suicide bomber story will keep the press happy for years.

In the next few weeks you'll hear how they met Bin Laden etc... In the US, they will probably have met Saddam as well. On Fox news they would have been friends with the september 11th hijackers and any other tenuous link they can use to defame Islam.

You will also read about 72 virgins and the usual hate us, hate our way of life - rubbish. The BNP are already using the picture of the bombed bus on their by-election leaflets for the coming election in Barking. The caption above it simply reads 'Is it time to start listening to the BNP?'

At MPACUK over the last 5 years we have tried to activate institutions, teach Muslims the value of Political and media jihad to defend your faith and to get our youth to channel their anger and frustration into something positive. We also spent a lot of time explaining the exact scenario we are now experiencing and how to avoid it. The problem is always everyone agrees with you but finds excuses why it can't be implemented straight away.

We are used to posting up successes here on these pages, this however feels like a real failure. A failure of our institutions, organisations and our social structures. A failure for our faith and our country.

Tony Blair and Charles Clarke can worry about intelligence failures, It is now time for the British Muslim communities, institutions and organisations to declare our own Jihad against Terrorism. It is not worth denial, disbelief, condemnation without some action. There are a million questions. How can 4 lads with no previous convictions do this. Where did they meet? Who taught them that this was something they should do? We must all work vigilantly to make sure this does not happen again.

Remember kill one person, kill the whole of humanity, save one person, save the whole of humanity.

Let's all work for this Jihad against terrorism.

(An Article from

This month we have had reports of 2 firsts for our nation.

The media is replete with the stories of the 'clean skins'. Young Brits with no prior record becoming the first home grown suicide bombers. No links to any radical organisation, no record of being manic street preachers or radicals.

The second story which got about 2 sentences in most papers was the death of a 48 year old Muslim man in Nottingham, a small part of the backlash. He was leaving a shop when he was set upon by 6 youths and beaten to death.

Sadly, there won't be much reported about this story in the coming weeks but the suicide bomber story will keep the press happy for years.