SINCE 1983, Teigmouth-based Holiday Services has assisted elderly or disabled holidaymakers and their families, and gained a good reputation with authorities, organisations and individuals.

We help in a variety of ways: Giving advice or assistance in finding holiday accommodation in Devon, Cornwall, or the surrounding area.

We supply Holiday Accommodation Guide for the disabled at a minimum cost and advise on trips or visits to places of interest and entertainment.

When available, we can provide voluntary assistance to help push wheelchairs etc. and for minimal hire charges provide wheelchairs, commodes etc.

We also give advice or assistance in any cases of emergency.

Our aim has been to help elderly or physically or mentally disabled people who were weeking a happy, carefree holiday.

The axe is now falling, as the DSS grant for 'Opportunities for Volunteering' is to be withdrawn as from October 31.

Together with our Volunteers, I want to save this very valuable service which is unique.

We are seeking sponsorship, donations or grants as this seems to be the only means by which to save the whole service.

If anyone is able to help, please contact me to obtain more details, or with offers of sponsorship.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.