TONIGHT, for the second time, brave Kate Rimer, will retrace the last steps of her murdered sister Lindsay.

Just a year ago, on the night of Monday, November 7, 13-year-old Lindsay disappeared.

It was almost six months later when her body was found in a nearby canal.

A year later the police are no nearer catching the killer. Tonight in Hebden Bridge there will be a major reconstruction of her last hours.

Anyone who was in Hebden Bridge that night is being asked to return, if possible in the same clothes and the same vehicles they were in that night.

Det Supt Tony Whittle said: "We believe that a vital piece of information may be locked away in someone's memory and that recreating every detail of the events of November 7, 1994, may provide the key.''

Thousands of people attending the town's bonfire celebrations at the weekend were reminded of the tragedy.

Members of Lindsay's family, including mum and dad Geraldine and Gordon, handed out leaflets appealing for information.

Mrs Rimer said Lindsay may have met her killer at a bonfire and that someone may just remember an incident from that night which could provide police with a vital clue.

Tonight sister Kate, wearing identical clothing to that worn by Lindsay, will play her role, leaving her home in Cambridge Street and visiting the Trades Club before arriving at the Spar shop in Crown Street where her last known movements were caught on camera.

Kate has made the same tragic journey once before. Then Lindsay was a missing person. Now she is a murder victim.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.