BUOYANT Blackburn Hawks face what manager Mike Cockayne insists could amount to their "toughest weekend of the season so far" boosted by the fact that the flu epidemic which swept through the camp last week has cleared.

Skipper John Haig and George Powell, who suffered most from the virus, have fully recovered and Hawks take a full strength squad into the games with Paisley Pirates (away) Saturday and Bracknell Bees (home) Sunday.

Hawks currently stand four points clear of the pack in the British Ice Hockey League First Division with 10 wins in a row.

So, apart from the obvious, what's been the big secret behind the local club's marvellous season?

"Basic hard work and a group of players with a determination to succeed," says Mr Cockayne.

"It's not just about what happens on match nights it's also about how you prepare and our training sessions have been first class since the start. "Everyone is in the thing together and that sort of team spirit, whatever the sport, can only stand you in good stead."

But the manager has a warning: "Paisley are one of the toughest nuts to crack on their own rink. They may not travel well, but they are formidable at home and that will be a real test for us.

"Similarly with Bracknell on Sunday - they have had a great run to shoot up to third in the table and it will be a clash of the two form teams so we expect another hard night's work."

Hawks have already beaten the Bees 12-5 at the Arena earlier in the season, but that result will count on for little on Sunday when Mr Cockayne hopes another crowd of 2,000 plus will cheer Hawks to glory.

"The fans have come back in their numbers and the difference in atmosphere has been there for all to see.

"It really does lift the players when the place is full and noisy and we like to think we have given everyone plenty to get excited about so far. "There has been some wonderful hockey played and we've scored goals galore. The aim now is simply to keep it going and maintain the winning run for as long as possible."

Hawks are striving for a top six place to gain entry to the end-of-season promotion playoffs. There is no automatic place up for grabs, but the top team is given preferential seeding.

There have been no new arrivals or departures from the squad this week and fans are reminded that the Sunday games have a 6pm face off.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.