AN EARLY morning police blitz will give drivers something far worse than a hangover.

Officers throughout Lancashire are targeting persistent offenders and problem areas during this year's Christmas breath test campaign.

And that includes watching the roads for revellers on the way into work the morning after the night before.

Already this year, a number of people have been found over the limit the day after they have been out drinking.

Inspector Peter Stas, of Lancashire police, said: "We are not specifically targeting people early in the morning.

"But we have got intensive patrols out looking for people who may be over the limit.

"It is up to each division to patrol when and where they think it is necessary and this does include stopping people early in the day.

"If divisions are aware that there is a risk of drink-driving in a specific area at a certain time then they will react to that.

"People should be aware that if they go out at night drinking they could still be over the limit the next day."

Police have the power to give motorists a breath test after a moving traffic offence, following an accident or if they suspect they have been drinking.

Since the start of this year's campaign, at 6am on December 5, 152 people have given positive samples and there have been 34 alcohol-related accidents.

Insp Stas added: "If you are over the limit, drinking and driving is just as dangerous first thing in the morning as it is last thing at night."

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