A RESTAURANT boss has leapt to the defence of Ray Harford's son after he was accused of being drunk and disorderly at a Rovers game.

The club has said it is looking into the incident and confirmed that Paul Harford and a group of his friends were asked to leave the ground during the game against Middlesbrough on Saturday.

Nico Ricioppo, owner of Nico's restaurant in Langho, said he was sitting next to the 19-year-old in the stand during the first half of the match.

"We had a chit chat and he did nothing wrong at all," he said

"A few of his friends were inebriated but Paul did not look drunk and in fact he tried to keep one or two of the lads quiet. I think he has been victimised and this has been blown out of proportion just because he is Ray Harford's son."

However, the bad behaviour is alleged to have occurred in the players' lounge at half-time and Mr Ricioppo admitted that he had not seen what went on in the lounge.

Rovers chairman Robert Coar said the team's coach would be "making his own inquiries" and it was an internal matter.

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