A MAJOR belt-tightening exercise needs to take place at County Hall to ensure the rest of Lancashire does not suffer if Blackburn and Blackpool get unitary status, says Ribble Valley MP Nigel Evans.

Local government commissioners are recommending the two councils get power to handle all services currently delivered at county and district level - with the exception of police and fire arrangements.

The final decision will be taken early next year by Environment Secretary John Gummer.

Mr Evans said the recommendations could only benefit the taxpayers of Blackburn and Blackpool.

"This means that effectively Lancashire County Council has lost one quarter of its budget, and I trust chief executive Gordon Johnson has effective public expenditure plans to deal with this."

He said people in other districts should not be penalised if two large areas were taken out of county control.

"There must be an effective strategy in place to secure bureaucratic costs at County Hall.

"I think it is significant that two Labour-controlled local authorities campaigned so vigorously to remove themselves from county control.

"The county council should now have a review of its services to reduce red tape, particularly in education and social services."

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