THERE has been much publicity about the £9 million cuts that Save the Children must make over the next 15 months. The fall-off in funds is a problem facing many charities and most blame for this, in the media anyway, is being placed on the National Lottery.

Save the Children's view is that, while obviously the National Lottery has not helped matters, it is merely one more temptation to soak up people's disposable income, and not, as many papers would have us believe, the root cause.

It all comes down to individual choices. Should we give a few pounds to Save the Children or should we spend it on a lottery ticket, a computer game or an extra pint at the local?

At Christmas, as we spend, spend, spend, please spend a minute or two to think: Do I really need this? - because there are many children out there who really do. Further information or donations can be made by writing to me. Please make any cheques payable to Save the Children Fund. Thank You.

BRIAN STOCKDALE, Press Officer, Blackburn and District branch, Save the Children, 72, Horden View, Feniscowles, Blackburn, BB2 5DH.

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