A WEALTHY businessman and his wife were tied up at their luxury country house by masked raiders who got away with up to £100,000 worth of jewellery and cash.

The three-strong gang struck as Peter and Margaret Wolfenden were relaxing at their home at Carr Laund in Carr Hall, Barrowford, last night.

The couple, who were shaken but otherwise unhurt, set off alarms after freeing themselves by breaking a stair balustrade that they had been tied to.

Detective Inspector Clive Tattum, head of Pendle CID, described the terrifying ordeal as "A very nasty incident indeed."

He said:"The businessman was in his house with his wife when they were approached and forced to the ground. The gang took his wife and got some money and other items from the house.

"The couple were tied up and the gang left. There is no suggestion of any firearms being involved. The couple were not hurt and there was no direct violence offered to them but I think that was because they were compliant to the gang's demands. "The property involved is a very substantial amount of cash and jewellery worth something approaching six figures."

The raiders struck between 6.45pm and 7.10pm.

Police believe three offenders, all of them masked, were involved in the raid. One was wearing a stocking over his head and another wore a balaclava with eye holes cut out. The police have described one offender as six feet tall, of proportional build, wearing blue jeans and dirty white training shoes. He spoke with a slight cockney accent.

The second man was five feet six inches tall and described as having small hands and feet for his size. He was also wearing blue jeans and trainers and distorted his voice by speaking as though he had a sore throat. The only description of the third man involved is that he was wearing all black clothing.

An incident room has been set up at Colne police station and police want to hear from anyone who was in the Carr Hall area between 4pm and 8pm last night.

They are asked to contact CID on Colne 863161.

Mr Wolfenden is one of the most successful businessmen in the area.

He owns LBS Polythene, which is based in Cotton Tree, Colne. His grand home, surrounded by tree lined pastures, is well known in the area.

Mr Wolfenden allows deer and wallabies to roam his grounds and this summer he opened up his home and gardens to hundreds of visitors during a garden fete.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.