HEAVY rain made the pitch sticky and slippery, but the Blues adapted well and came away from Bucks Park with a well-earned point.

The difficult conditions played their part in this game and restricted both sides to few chances.

It was the Blues who had the early possession and on 15 mins Ian Pilkington's shot was saved by the keeper's legs.

Recent signings Tony McCluskey and Andy Lawson coped well in midfield and provided some good passes to Andy Taylor and Clive Dunne on both wings.

With only a minute gone in the second half, Bootle caught the Blues napping and a ball which wasn't cleared properly was swung back into the box to be headed powerfully home.

The Blues battled back and on 72 minutes Tony McCluskey won the ball in midfield, laid an inch-perfect pass to Taylor, who coolly slotted the ball past the advancing keeper.

Clitheroe hung on to earn a valuable point. They entertain Prescot Cables at home on Saturday.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.