A CONTROVERSIAL plan to build a new Jobcentre and employment office in Nelson has been passed after months of fierce arguments.

Pendle Council's policy committee has agreed the plan for a two-storey office on the corner of Railway Street and Netherfield Road, almost a year after it was submitted to Pendle Council.

The move has angered many Nelson councillors, who have repeatedly refused it planning permission.

The scheme was due to go to appeal and the council was concerned it could lose and face paying massive costs.

The plan was batted back and forth between the Labour-dominated Nelson area committee and Liberal-controlled policy meeting five times before it was finally agreed.

The first application was refused in April, a second amended scheme turned down in August and a third failed to impress the Nelson committee at the end of last year. Deputy council leader Tony Greaves told the policy committee: "It's time to declare a draw. We either decide the matter now or we accept we are going to be hammered on appeal."

He said the third application had gone a very significant way to easing councillors' fears over parking, traffic congestion and the effect the building would have on the area. It was far better than the second scheme, which was going to appeal.

But Labour group leader Coun Susan Nike said: "It makes a nonsense of your decision to evolve decision-making to the area committees.

"It's my opinion that if the scheme goes to appeal on traffic grounds the applicants will lose their appeal.

"This building will be dangerous. It will increase traffic; it will increase congestion."

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