AN East Lancashire MP has called for more help from trade officials to boost East Lancashire's economy.

Nigel Evans, the member for Ribble Valley, said day-to-day contact with Department of Trade and Industry staff across the world was vital for firms to develop markets overseas.

"I want to see the DTI and its representatives in British embassies all over the globe actively seeking out trade opportunities and then informing those companies in UK best able to exploit them," Mr Evans told the House of Commons. "Ultimately such knowledge is bound to enable companies in the RIbble Valley to sell more products abroad and create more jobs here at home."

Mr Evans highlighted the achievements of 3M Neotechnic which exports 58 per cent of its output from its Clitheroe factory which manufactures pharmaceutical aerosols and containers.

"Companies such as 3M have developed their export markets with world-beating products but have often done so largely on their own without the support of the DTI," said Mr Evans.

"However there are companies who need the support and the inside knowledge of foreign markets that the DTI often has."

Ian Lang, president of the Board of Trade assured Mr Evans that the Government was making more commercial officers available overseas to seek out export opportunities.

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