A CRIMEBUSTING telephone hotline helped police arrest 116 people and recover £1 million in property during the last 12 months.

And police say more calls are being received from the East Lancashire area than anywhere else in the county.

Calls to the Lancashire Crimestoppers line rose by 24 per cent during 1995, topping 1,400. The number of arrests was up by 17 per cent, compared to 14 per cent throughout the country, and £550 was paid out in rewards to callers. And the £1,065,165 in recovered property compared with £144,000 during 1994.

Detective Chief Superintendent Bill Hacking, head of Lancashire CID, said: "We are delighted with the results for 1995, which clearly show how well known and well used the Crimestoppers number is becoming in the county."

People using the freephone number 0800 555 111 have reported crimes ranging from drink-driving to robbery.

A new anti-drugs initiative called SNAP - Say No And Phone - which was launched in October resulted in 98 drug-related calls to the line up until the end of December.

Eight people were arrested and cannabis and amphetamine were recovered, with a large number of calls still being followed up. Mr Hacking added: "It would appear that the motivating factor for calling Crimestoppers is not the cash reward but the assurance of anonymity."

Since Crimestoppers was set up by the Crimestoppers Trust in 1988, 14,540 people have been arrested nationally, including 19 for murder and 73 for rape.

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