Clarets fans' chief Alan Beecroft has appealed to Burnley's united board to make a fresh start and to listen to the fans.

There was a mixed response from Turf Moor supporters today following the statement confirming that the board had thrashed out their quarrels following the resignation of Basil Dearing.

Now, after the Lancashire Evening Telegraph revealed exclusively yesterday that peace has broken out at Turf Moor, Beecroft, treasurer of the influential supporters group Colne Clarets, said: "It is a good thing that the board of directors have decided to bury the hatchet. "It remains to be seen though what happens over the next few months. What all supporters want to see is an improved public relations from the club.

"The board must try to change their attitude and be more responsive to the supporters.

"That is one of the main gripes from a lot of fans.

"There is so much rumour and speculation surrounding the club and nobody will say anything.

"It is so important that they listen to the fans. What would be wrong in issuing a statement once a week or once a month to tell the fans what the board are doing.

"It is a two-way thing between supporters and the club and the board has got to try and improve their relations with the fans."

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