PRIME Minister John Major has certainly conned David Pearson, vice-chairman of Blackburn Conservative Party, (Letters, January 23) when he claims that Mr Major is totally opposed to a European super state.

The signing of the Maastricht Treaty commits Britain to a single currency and Euro-union.

Mr Major is only waiting until he thinks the time is right. He is just as committed to Euro-union as the Labour party and the Liberal party.

A referendum should have been held before the Maastricht Treaty was signed. But if the result of such a referendum had failed to produce the result that Mr Major required, we would have seen further referenda.

The fact is that the British parliament is corrupt and hell-bent on forcing the British people into Euro-union and a single currency whether they want it or not.

There are several anti-Euro-union political parties preparing to field candidates at a general election so lots of people will have the chance to vote no to this anti-British, evil Euro-superstate plan.

J PILKINGTON (Mr), Elm Street, Blackburn.

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