BUSINESS park plans should be aimed at derelict sites rather than Golborne farmland.

Irate locals backing the moves to create a £60 million business park and 2,000 jobs but say it should be zoned for an "ugly" area rather than green fields off Stone Cross Lane.

"Wigan has plenty of unused land, abandoned from other uses, which could be used much more satisfactorily, improving ugly sites and simultaneously protecting assets.

"At the moment I believe the borough has one of the worst records in the country for failing to reclaim derelict land," said objector Anne Kershaw of Stone Cross Lane.

This week she and her husband, Noel, were with a group of residents who met planners to raise objections against proposals for a 980 acre mixed business park alongside the East Lancs Road between Stone Cross Lane, Golborne island and Nook Lane.

Trinity Investments Limited and David McLean Developments want to create Stonecross Park on the land which is little more than a mile from the M6-East Lancs Road interchange.

They envisage a major distribution and administrative centre, plus offices, industrial, hotel and leisure facilities.

But objectors are upset that the plans would affect wildlife, increase traffic problems and affect home values.

And Mrs Kershaw observed:"At an inquiry into an application for a restaurant between Stone Cross Lane and the East Lancs Road, Wigan's own QC stated the area is already too well served with hotels and restaurants and increased traffic hazards were unacceptable. They still are."

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