ALL the volunteers at Hospital Radio Metro would like to thank the companies who kindly donating goods, money and gifts for our Christmas Appeal.

All the donations (in whichever form) went towards either competition prizes, or goods which we distributed on Christmas morning to all the patients and staff.

This demonstration of generosity helped to make the patients' stay in hospital a little more enjoyable over the festive period.

Without the generosity of these firms we would not have been able to distribute parcels and make Christmas morning something special.

This year on our walk around the hospital Father Christmas and his helpers (A ssistant Father Christmas, Dame, Pantomime Dame, Mrs Christmas and an elf among others) were seen roaming through the hospital.

A great big thank you once again for supporting a local charity at a most pressurised time of year.

The companies we would like to thank are: R & J Taylor, Coani Bakery, Claphams, The Party Box, Farmfoods, Iceland, The Village Shop, R & M Couriers, Shipley's, Dave West, Bookers Cash & Carry, Ethel Austin and Kwik Save staff.

Wallpaper Supplies, Woolworths, Barrs Ltd, Waterplace, Ritz Cinema, T & T Sergeants, Massey Confectionary, Leigh Windows, Leigh Cooker Centre (Ken White), Asda (Golborne), Chipperama, Food 'n' Booze and Two Ticks (formerly known as Dawn til Dusk).

Cooke Brothers, M6 Cash & Carry, BR & M Homes, Pioneer, Netto, Sooner Snacks, Classic Dress Agency, Wigan Superbowl, Unit 4 Cinema and Octagon.

And a special thank-you to Peter West, florist, Market Hall for sponsoring Nurse of the Month. If anyone is interested in sponsoring please do not hesitate to contact 01942-601100 and someone will be happy to discuss your requirements.

Hospital Radio Metro volunteers, Leigh Infirmary.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.