LEARNING that Ofsted inspectors were to label Summerseat Residential School as failing, education leaders in Bury have decided to close the building down.

But alternative plans have already been drawn up to ensure that children with emotional and behavioural difficulties are well catered for.

Chairman of Bury Metro Education Committee, Councillor Paul Ainscough explained that concerted efforts had been made to turn the school around since its difficulties became apparent but the findings of the OFSTED inspectors left no alternative to closure.

"We felt it was better to make a decision now rather than let this whole issue drag on.

"That would not have been fair either on the children involved, their families or staff at Summerseat" he said.

Under proposals put forward, a small number of youngsters requiring residential placement will now be transferred to out of borough school places.

Alternative arrangements will be made to ensure the majority of children deemed to have emotional or behavioural difficulties will be allowed, wherever possible, to continue to attend mainstream schools.

The Behaviour Support Team will be enhanced and a pupil learning centre established where children will go to learn social skills, behaviour modification and basic skills as well as for counselling.

A working party has been convened to advise on the future provision for these children to ensure the transition period is as smooth as possible for them.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.