A MAJOR initiative to help bridge skills gaps in East Lancashire is to be officially launched next month.

The Modern Apprenticeships scheme aims to offer school leavers improved employment and training prospects and help firms attract the people they need.

"Industry in East Lancashire covers a wide range of disciplines but each needs a regular influx of young people willing and able to learn advanced job skills," said Adrian Scott, of Mills & Scott Hand Made Interiors of Burnley.

"In the past we have struggled to find recruits with the aptitude and willingness to fill these gaps.

"Modern Apprenticeships not only provide the mechanism to plug those gaps but also the incentive which will attract the right young people." The new-style apprenticeships are part of ELTEC's Xtend programme of youth training opportunities and 1,500 employers have been invited to the launch event at Ewood Park on March 7.

The apprenticeships cover traditional areas such as engineering, construction and plumbing as well as a wide range of other careers including information technology.

They offer young people employment coupled with NVQ training and ELTEC provides employers with a package of financial support.

"Modern Apprenticeships has received a tremendous reception in East Lancashire and we already have 328 young people employed by local businesses," said Andy Fawcett, ELTEC's training development director.

"We are confident that by the end of this year there will be 1,000 Modern Apprentices in this area."

Employers who have already have Modern Apprenticeship vacancies to offer to this year will be taking part in events at Ewood Park and Turf Moor in April to give young people and their parents the opportunity to see the range of jobs on offer and submit applications.

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