COUN Marcus Johnstone (LET, January 25) is a prime example of an unthinking councillor who cannot see beyond the end of his nose, but appears to be a financial expert.

That he should attack Jack Walker makes it abundantly clear that he has a massive chip on his shoulder.

He offers no credit to Mr Walker for the manner in which his business was built from nothing in the 1940s into a massive empire in later years. Mr Walker "got on his bike."

No credit is offered to him for long hours worked, for ploughing his money back into the business, for his far-sightedness and, above all, the employment he created for many thousands of workers over the years. Did they, or Mr Walker, not pay their taxes? Did the Walker empire not pay massive amounts of corporation tax over the years?

I may be wrong. It couldn't be that the councillor sits in envy of Mr Walker, could it?

Why should Social Security Minister Peter Lilley not hit out at fraudsters?

Does Coun Johnstone support the breaking of the law of the land by the poor or rich? Is fraud not a crime?

H RAWCLIFFE, Grasmere Avenue, Lammack, Blackburn.

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