A GROUP of Burnley residents who are campaigning to stop a housing development near Towneley Park say their protest is gathering momentum.

The people of Richmond Avenue, together with members of the Towneley for the People campaign group, say there is massive opposition to the houses scheme.

A Leeds development firm wants to build 100 homes on land off Richmond Avenue, but residents say the land should be preserved as a conservation area.

An application for planning permission has been received by Burnley council, but the council has recently implemented a policy of refusing permission for developments which will spoil the look of Towneley Park.

About 100 people attended a meeting at the Thornton Arms pub this week to discuss the plans.

Lionel Mooring, a resident of Richmond Avenue, told the Citizen: "This is an issue which concerns everyone who values Towneley park, not just people who live on Richmond Avenue.

"If these houses were built, they would be encroaching on the park and would spoil the rural look of the area.

"Burnley has enough house building for the next 10 years, and the requirement is only for five years, so there is no need for the development. Anyone who has an interest in wildlife or the environment is concerned about this. Letters of objection are flooding in to the council. I would urge people to write in and oppose this scheme."

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