SOCCER campaigners were this week urging Burnley fans to put pressure on the club's directors by turning their backs on the pitch at the next home game. Organisers say the silent demonstration, planned for the game against Crewe on February 10, is an attempt to get supporters' views heard and show the Burnley directors that they will not be treated "like third class citizens."

Leaflets were being handed out at Tuesday night's match against Oxford United, and many supporters are giving their backing to the plan.

Campaigners say the display is not aimed at the manager or players, but at the directors, who, they say, should give loyal fans a bigger influence in the way the club is run.

Spokesman Dave Cooper, editor of Who Ate All the Pies fanzine, said: "We are not asking for any sackings, simply for the board to meet representatives of the fans. That is not too much to ask."

But Tony Bannister, president of the influential Colne Clarets supporters' group, said: "We have not even discussed the issue, and it would be wrong to suggest that we, as an organisation, are supporting this protest. We will discuss it in due course. If anyone wants to join in with the protest, that's up to them."

However, Mr Bannister added: "It is not up to me, but, speaking personally, I agree with what the protesters are trying to achieve. A meeting with the directors to clear the air is definitely needed."

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