WEEPING in the dock, British teacher Sandra Gregory wails: "It's unfair." as a court in Thailand jails her for 25 years for attempting to smuggle heroin out of the country.

It may be of no comfort to her, but the fact is that there will be little sympathy for her here or elsewhere.

For what sympathy had she for the pain and anguish that her admitted part in the evil heroin trade would have countless others at the end of the day? She had none - she did it for the money.

That her crime and greed is repaid with heavy retribution is not unfair, but real justice.

And ordinary people here - especially the families whose lives are ruined by heroin addiction among their children - will only lament that such punishments are lacking here.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.