REGARDING the proposed "sell off" of Hyndburn Transport, what a lot of hot air these councillors generate and I expect we have much more to endure yet.

Couns Britcliffe, Slynn etc, have all my sympathies but must they air their grievances in public? It's almost infantile.

I speak as a bus passenger. Do they, I wonder?

I don't even attempt to know the facts, figures and such matters. I do know, however, that Hyndburn Transport leaves much to be desired in many respects.

Give me Ribble any day. All this change is for the benefit of us passengers, is it not?

John Farrer (Letters, February 21) seems to feel the change. If this becomes effectual, buses may not "reach the parts" that Hyndburn Transport reaches - the out-lying districts.

Let's wait and see Mr Farrer. Meanwhile, I'm on Coun Slynn's side, for what it's worth.

Name and address supplied.

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