ANGRY students at a troubled college were planning a massive lunchtime march on Accrington town centre today in protest over job cuts at their college.

And art students are also taking legal advice because they believe job cuts will affect their studies

The youngsters claim college bosses have broken their personal contracts because they will lose out on facilities when the building they occupy in Blackburn Road closes. The 40 art students say that bosses have not made proper plans for the final year of their two-year GNVQ course.

The moves come just days after students based at the Sandy Lane site demonstrated against plans to axe 25 lecturers' jobs. Five out of six art teachers have been made redundant and from next year the college will only offer 'A' level art to new students.

The business studies department and the shoe making section has also been badly hit by the job cuts.

College principal Mike Austin met the unhappy youngsters to try and ease their fears on Monday.

A spokesperson for the group said: "We feel that we have been fobbed off by Mr Austin and we have still not received any proper answers to all our questions."

Mr Austin said: "I understand why the students are worried but I have given them my assurances that appropriate arrangements are being made."

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