THE high-flying world of commerce is alive and kicking at Hesketh Fletcher High School in Atherton.

And their initiative has won a top prize visit to Malta.

The ten pupils, aged 14 and 15, have taken the local business world by storm and are all set to go international. Their company "Dough Gear" is the brainchild of the pupils who entered a competition organised by Wigan Enterprise.

They had to show initiative, enterprise and commercial intelligence to set up and run their own company.

Their products, all made from dough, are aimed at the novelty market. Christmas decorations, hearts for Valentine's Day and chicks for Easter are all included in their product range.

Every Monday for two hours after school, the pupils hold authentic business meetings and plan their commercial future.

Their initiative and sound business sense so impressed the judges in the borough-wide competition they awarded the school the top prize... an all-expenses paid trip to Malta.

Unfortunately only four were able to go along, so it was up to company "MD" Michael Dendry to decide just who had put in the most effort and shown the greatest commitment to the project.

On March 21 the group will leave for Malta and an international craft fair.

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