MALICIOUS stalkers who subject their victims to long term harassment could soon face stiff jail sentences after a move by Darwen MP Janet Anderson to create a new criminal offence.

Mrs Anderson introduced a Bill in the House of Commons yesterday (Wednesday. March 6) in an attempt to put an end to the menacing practice.

It follows the landmark conviction at Reading Crown Court of Falklands War veteran Anthony Burstow for causing psychological grevious bodily harm during a vicious three-year campaign against 36-year-old Tracey Sant.

Mrs Anderson's Bill has the full backing of the Shadow Home Secretary and MP for Blackburn Jack Straw, who has long called for such an offence to be introduced.

She said: "There are many documented incidents where people, particularly women, have been stalked for years and have been unable to receive adequate protection from the law.

"Unfortunately it is often only when a stalker resorts to violence against their victim that the police are able to secure a conviction"

"My Bill will provide for the offence of stalking to be introduced into British Law and will enable the police and CPS to take firm action against these individuals who cause such misery for thousands of people."

High profile cases have been highlighted in the past such as tennis ace Monica Seles and super model Naomi Campbell, who were both victims of stalkers, but Mrs Anderson is also concerned that the lives of ordinary people are being made a misery.

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