YOUNG actress Paula Angus could soon hit the big time!

The 16-year-old took the Burnley Festival of Speech and Drama by storm and came away with the top prize and the chance to perform in front of a celebrity crowd later this year.

Paula, of Whalley Road, Accrington, received the SmithKline Beecham Festival of Festivals Award for her dramatic monologue about a mother reduced to stripping to support her family.

The former Moorhead High pupil will now go to Warwick University were she will face a crowd of talent scouts, celebrities and government ministers.

If she is as successful at Warwick, she will have the chance to qualify for a grand final at Queen Elizabeth's Hall in London, which will probably have a royal audience.

Paula said: "I'm a little nervous at the thought of facing celebrities but I know it's a great chance to prove myself so I'm also very excited.

"I will be performing the same scene that I did at the Burnley Festival. It's very traumatic and emotionally draining."

She added: "I enjoy comedy most and would love a part in Coronation Street, although I also want to do theatre."

Paula, who has been acting from the age of 11, auditioned for the teen soap Hollyoaks but has yet to hear if she was successful.

"I've got an agent," she said, "so I'll be going for more auditions in the future. Acting is something I've always wanted to do even though I've also had a go at singing and modelling."

Paula's proud mum, Ann, said: "I think she's done very well to get so far and we'll be backing her all the way.

"I don't know where she gets her confidence from - it's certainly not from her parents!"

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