WITH a donation of £500 Bury's Chamber of Trade is supporting The Met Arts Centre's Streets Ahead festival which comes in May. Fred Bowen, the Chamber's president has already presented the cheque to Arts Centre director Alan Oatey.

He said this week: "If Bury is not making the effort to attract its share of people we can be sure that other places are. Bury cannot afford to be left behind."

The Streets Ahead festival will feature artistes from Europe and South America.

Local talent will be there alongside professional companies from the UK, and they will be performing shows which range from puppets to large scale spectaculars.

Thomas the Tank Engine will be at the East Lancashire Railway on the same day, which is May 6; Bank Holiday Monday.

Says Alan Oatey: "Many towns and cities have realised that cultural activities not only provide their residents with entertainment and give the town an identity, they also bring in business."

The Streets Ahead festival has been brought about by a partnership involving The Met - which has been promoting shows on Bury's streets for the past two years - Bury Chamber of Trade and the Local Authority.

Bury Council's arts development officer Tony Trehy says: "It is the Council's policy to develop the town centre and animate it - bring it to life. Streets Ahead will certainly do that!"

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