It's an hour before kick-off at Deepdale and the stadium is gradually filling up. You can feel the tension, the pre-match nerves, the adrenaline rush. Lee Cartwright makes his way down the tunnel - the same journey he has made for every home game since his North End debut in 1991.

But this time it's different . . Lee hobbles out and looks set to be sidelined for the next nine months after damaging his cruciate ligaments in a crunching tackle against Scunthorpe last week.

Preston fans everywhere have been stunned by the news that the livewire winger will be out for so long.

"The ball just came out from the area and I ran towards it. I went in for a tackle with my left foot and the defender sort of wrapped his legs around mine. I tried to stay standing but my knee just forced itself in.

"After about 10 seconds, it started burning. It's the first time I have had the physio on the pitch and I knew it was going to be quite serious, though I've been hurt a lot more in tackles,." Lee went to see a specialist last Tuesday and he confirmed he had torn the dreaded cruciate ligaments.

"There's not much that can be done at the moment," says Lee. "I've got to let the swelling go down and I'll have the operation in about six weeks once the blood has gone off the joint."

Lee is the longest-serving player at Deepdale and an injury like this couldn't have come at a worse time. He made his North End debut in the 1-0 win against Shrewsbury on March 2nd 1991 and has won over PNE fans with electric pace and breathtaking skill.

"It's bad enough missing games at any time, but with us going all-out for promotion it makes it almost unbearable. Hopefully we will be playing in a higher division next season and I can get back on form.

"The fans at Deepdale really are fantastic. It means so much to have them behind you. I'm hungry to get back to being 100 per cent fit and want to do it as quickly as possible. I thought I was having one of my better seasons and then this happens.

"The past year at Deepdale has been brilliant. Since Gary Peters took over we have made excellent strides.

Lee believes that - despite recent slip-ups - this PNE outfit is strong enough to carry on and do well in Division Two.

A defiant Cartwright sent this message to PNE fans everywhere: "Keep supporting the lads - it makes a world of difference. I can't wait to get back playing football again. It's going to be tough, but I'll be back!"

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.