POLICE in Lancaster and Morecambe are calling for security in the city to be kept at its highest level in the wake of the recent London bombings. The end of the IRA cease-fire has caused concern throughout the country and last week more than 100 business people from all around Lancashire were called to the county's police headquarters for a special briefing. Asst Chief Constable David Smith used the meeting to appeal to the public to keep their eyes open and report anything suspicious to the police.

He said: "Vigilance is the key to our actions but we do want everyone to support us. My message is 'Help your police to help you'.

"The announcement of the ending of the IRA cease-fire and the bombings in London has put us all in a period of uncertainty. And while Lancashire, like all other police forces, has remained in a state of readiness during the cease-fire we do need the public's help.

"I would urge everyone to be vigilant and to report anything suspicious to your local police."

He highlighted underground car parks, civic centres, shops, offices and stores as important areas and urged businesses to make the best use of all the closed circuit television systems (CCTV) in the area.

He added: "Local business people have an important role to play by ensuring that important equipment, especially that involving CCTV, is well-maintained and that good video tapes are used. These can provide vital evidence in the aftermath of any security alert.

"It is not our intention to increase concern but in the wake of the London bombs we do urge the public to 'Help the police to help you'."

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.