I WAS bitterly disappointed on watching the BAFTA Awards.

According to newspaper reports 'Pride and Prejudice' broke all viewing records for BBC serials.

It was the most expensive serial ever made, yet inside six months it had recouped all the £6 million-plus outlay with sales from 15 countries.

Yet, at the BAFTA awards one serial 'Cracker,' which had caused public outcry over its violence and bad language, took priority. Also its star, Robbie Coltrane (above), won over Colin Firth, who played Mr Darcy in P and P. Where is justice? To add insult to injury, in the last of the televised awards, P and P came runner-up to a programme which was never mentioned once all evening - 'The X-Files.'

If, as they said, this award was voted on purely by the public, where were all the votes hidden? It was a huge farce and hundreds of others will never believe BAFTA again.

E HALLERON (MRS), School Street, Rishton.

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