PERFORMANCE tables for primary schools will be published from next year, the Government has announced.

Parents will be able to pick up a booklet giving details on primary schools in their area, including:

Six columns of figures giving test and teacher assessment information in English, Maths and Science.

The percentage of pupils who reached the expected level of achievement for an 11-year-old.

Full details of the school including type, age range and number of pupils.

Local and all-England average figures on the performance of primary schools so parents can compare how their child's school is doing against others.

Lancashire County Council's vice chairman of education, councillor Hazel Harding, said: "Although it's a good idea that parents can have information, I think the best way of judging a school is by going there and talking to the head.

"Only the parent knows what their child requires in a school and no amount of facts or figures can change that."

The move complements the publication of secondary school and college performance tables.

Education and employment minister, Lord Henley, said: "No information will be published without first being checked with schools.

"We will now be in a position to provide a national school report for parents. Better and more information about school performance is central to our drive to raise standards."

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