PATIENTS across the Ribble Valley will no longer have to travel to Blackburn for routine X-rays.

The new X-ray unit at Clitheroe Hospital which opens tomorrow will allow more outpatient clinics to take place at the hospital, including orthopaedics.

The unit is designed for routine X-rays only and patients will still have to travel to the casualty department at Blackburn Infirmary for accident and emergency X-rays.

Fundholding GPs in the Ribble Valley, the CommuniCare NHS Trust and Blackburn and district NHS Trust have joined forces to make the scheme possible.

The GPs and CommuniCare have jointly funded the purchase of equipment and special adaptations to the hospital buildings which will house the new unit.

The hospital trust has had an advisory capacity in setting up the project. The service will be contracted from the hospital trust by CommuniCare, which is responsible for community health services in Blackburn, Hyndburn and the Ribble Valley.

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