A GRIEVING family has launched a legal crusade against the NHS after the tragic death of their little boy.

Helen and John Jackson have taken the first steps towards suing the health chiefs after their son Lewis died in an intensive care bed 80 miles from his East Lancashire home.

And today's revelation comes as shock statistics claimed there was now a crisis in the care of critically ill children with more than 50 being turned away from intensive care units in the North West this year.

Lewis, who suffered from a genetic defect which slowed his development, fell into a coma and died after his parents were forced to drive him to a Stoke-on-Trent hospital last December.

Mum Helen, of Monk Street, Clitheroe, revealed today that she is taking legal action against the former North West Regional Health Authority.

The health authority, which has not held an official inquiry into 21-month-old Lewis's death, blamed a lack of intensive care beds at children's hospitals in Liverpool and Manchester.

But Helen and husband John are determined that the plight of their son will not be forgotten.

They are furious that they were forced to take Lewis as far as Stoke for a hospital bed last December.

Figures released by the Labour Party claim 32 children have been turned away from the paediatric intensive care unit at Royal Manchester Children's Hospital and 21 at Alder Hey in Liverpool so far in 1996.

The party has called for a major strategy to provide more specialist beds.

Meanwhile, the Lewis Jackson Appeal Fund which is aiming to buy vital pulse oximeters for Lancashire hospitals has already raised £5,700.

The first one is due to be presented to Blackburn's Queen's Park Hospital next week. The equipment is crucial for youngsters with heart and lung disorders and monitors the amount of oxygen going through the body.

Other fund-raising events in the pipeline include a charity auction at the Wellgate Social Club, Clitheroe, on May 17 where signed Blackburn Rovers, Liverpool and Manchester United footballs will be sold off.

The Jacksons also have two tickets for the friendly international between England and Hungary on May 18.

Offers are invited and people can ring them on 01200 443546.

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