POLICE in Todmorden have been asked to investigate leaflets claiming that Calderdale Labour Group has voted to introduce car parking charges in Todmorden and Hebden Bridge.

No decision has been taken on car parking charges, insists Calderdale Council leader, Coun Pam Warhurst.

She has condemned as misleading and legally questionable leaflets attacking the Labour group over voting for car parking charges.

"These claims are totally untrue,'' said Coun Warhurst.

She said that she and Chief Executive, Michael Ellison, had made it clear that the council had voted to continue with the current consultation exercise.

She stressed that no decision had been taken and none would be taken until they had given proper consideration to all other alternative ways of funding the maintenance of car parks.

She added: "We have asked the police to investigate what we believe could a serious breach of election law and we would advise anyone concerned to cease any further distribution of these leaflets.''

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