AN aid wagon stranded on the Ukrainian border for six days is now in Kiev distributing its goods to victims of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.

The 40ft articulated lorry, from Rossendale Aid for the Ukraine, was stuck at the Polish Ukraine border after a customs wrangle over dried baby milk.

The customs believed it could pose a threat to health, because they classified it as a dairy product and were concerned about the British beef BSE crisis.

Driver Ken Craven and his wife, Betty, from Barnsley, offered to remove the baby milk from the wagon, but Polish officials would not take responsibility for its safe disposal.

They managed to find another border which allowed them through, but it is not clear whether the milk, which was requested by an orphanage, is still on board.

Bill Riley, of Dean Lane Water, and Gail Todd, of Lumb, both members of Lumb Baptist Church were waiting in Kiev for the wagon. Bill's wife, Valerie, will fly out to the Ukraine tomorrow.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.