A MULTI-MILLION pound programme to tackle the problems of plume-grounding at Clitheroe's Castle Cement plant was announced by the company today.

The scheme involves the installation of a £4m gas cleaning system which is likely to cost Castle Cement a further £1m each year to maintain.

Public outcry over emissions from the kiln chimneys at the Ribblesdale plant falling to the ground around the area spurred on Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Pollution, now the Environment Agency, to order the company to clean up its act.

The new system, if it is approved by pollution experts, will clean exhaust gases by passing them through a mixture of limestone and water to absorb sulphur dioxide and some other emissions.

The company has examined various possibilities and believes the installation of this system will prove effective and satisfy the community.

Castle works manager Mr Peter del Strother said: "After installation of the cleaning system we will still see a plume but it will be principally steam and so will disperse quickly."

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