A TROUBLED Accrington estate where no-one wants to live is to get a £250,000 boost next month.

St Vincent's Housing Association aims to start renovating 10 empty houses on the Woodnook Estate in June.

The pilot scheme is being funded through grants and private investment and should be completed by September.

Council tenants or people nominated by Hyndburn council will be offered the houses when the work has finished.

It the initiative proves to be a success then more government money could become available to help further improve the area.

A public Forum group made up of residents and local organisations, schools and churches has also been formed in a bid to try and tackle the problems.

Concerned residents have held a number of public meetings following fears about rising crime, vandalism and drug dealing in the once desirable district of Accrington.

Many people no longer want to live in the area and in recent months the council has had more than 20 per cent of its houses on the estate left empty.

Peter Smith, the director of St Vincent's, said: "We are pleased that our partnership with Hyndburn council has led to this pilot project going ahead.

"This should give a positive start to action being spearheaded by the Woodnook Forum."

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