TELEVISION personality Tony Wilson helped hand out the prizes to young enterprise teams.

The final presentations to entrants in the Hyndburn and Ribble Valley Area Board were made at the Mytton Fold Farm Hotel, Langho.

And overall winners were the Longridge High School team Milieu who also picked up the prize for the best marketing report, business plan, export achievement, display and final presentation.

Second and third places in the best company awards went to: Phoenix, Rhyddings High School, Oswaldtwistle; and Get Shirtee, Ribblesdale High School, Clitheroe.

Mr Wilson awarded the Area Board Award for Endeavour to YETI from St Augustine's RC High School, Billington.

Young Enterprise offers young people between the ages of 15 and 19, an exciting way of developing enterprise skills and making the transition from school to work.

The companies are formed by pupils and work in exactly the same way as any other business to develop, market and sell a product.

Other prizes were: Best press advertisement: YETI St Augustine RC High School, Billington; Highest sales and European language presentation: Get Shirtee, Ribblesdale High School, Clitheroe; Most innovative design and quality product: Uncanny, Clitheroe Royal Grammar School; Best interim presentation: A La Carte, St Christopher's CE High School, Accrington; and Team enterprise award: Broadfield Products, Broadfield School.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.